End of Year Giving

As we look back on 2021 we are very thankful for our successes. Though 2021 presented many COVID-related challenges–fewer parks to perform in, only one mainstage show, the uncertainty of gathering in groups–it was such a rewarding summer. Over 7,000 of you came out to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream and our Backyard Bard shows Twelfth Night and The Tempest! We have you to thank for that.
Please keep us in mind as you consider your end of year giving. Income from performances covers around 70% of our expenses, the rest comes from grants and generous donations from our supporters. It’s your contributions that help us continue to offer FREE Shakespeare in the Park every summer, allowing more people to experience the magic of live theater by removing economic and geographical barriers. Consider paying it forward today for our audiences this coming summer.
Go see a play!